LUMERIANS - Gaussian Castles HD from m m on Vimeo.
Monday, May 9, 2011
“WARNING: May cause seizures or momentary loss of consciousness in susceptible viewers.”
Friday, May 6, 2011
Childhood’s End for Humanity?
by Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society
May 1, 2011
History, since the agricultural revolution, can be usefully conceptualized as an offensive-defensive arms race between technologies of abundance and social structures of expropriation.
Until the appearance of agriculture, human society didn’t produce a large enough surplus to support much in the way of social organization above the hunter-gatherer group. Agriculture was the first technology of abundance sufficiently productive to support parasitic classes on a large scale. With agriculture came a superstructure of kings, priests, martial castes and landlords who milked the producing classes like cattle.
We now seem to be nearing the end of an interval of ten thousand years or so between two thresholds. The first threshold was the appearance of the first large-scale technology of abundance — agriculture.
Since then we have been in that aforementioned arms race. Sometimes technologies of abundance produce an increase in the social surplus faster than the class superstructure can expropriate it, and things become better for the ordinary person — as in the late Middle Ages, when the horse collar and crop rotation caused a massive increase in agricultural productivity, the craftsmen of the free towns developed new production technologies, and the decay of feudalism resulted in falling rents and de facto emancipation of large sectors of the peasantry. Sometimes the advantage shifts to the social structures of expropriation, and things get worse — as in the case of the absolute monarchies’ suppression of the free towns, what Immanuel Wallerstein called the “long sixteenth century,” and the Enclosures.
We’re approaching the second threshold, when the technologies of abundance reach a takeoff point beyond which the social structures of expropriation can no longer keep up with the rising production curve.
The interval between the two thresholds has been comparatively brief, compared to the hundreds of thousands of years that homo sapiens has existed in something like its present form and the billion years or so that the sun will likely be able to support human life. Seen in that light, this interval is a brief initial adjustment period in the early stages of human productivity. The state was an anomaly in this early stage of the technological explosion, in the childhood of the human race, by whose means the parasitic classes were briefly able to piggyback on the revolution in productivity and harness it as a source of income for themselves.
During this brief interval, parasitic classes — bureaucrats, usurers, landlords, and assorted rentiers — used the state to create scarcity by artificial means, in order to enclose the increased productivity from technologies of abundance as a source of rents for themselves. But after these first few millennia, the productivity curve has shifted so sharply upward that the increases in output will dwarf the rentier classes’ ability to expropriate it. What’s more, new technologies of abundance are rendering artificial scarcities unenforceable.
Around forty years ago, it was fashionable to say that humanity was entering the “Age of Aquarius.” There is a sense in which the 1970s really were the beginning of a new age of human liberation. They saw the birth of the two technologies of abundance — the desktop computer and cheap numerically-controlled machine tools — which will eventually free us from the grip of the corporate state and its artificial scarcities.
The apparent reaction of the decades since — neoliberalism and the Washington Consensus, Reaganism and Thatcherism, the jackbooted police state of the Drug War and War on Terror, the neocons’ wet dream of a Thousand Year Reich enforced by the Sole Remaining Superpower, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act — can be seen as a desperate rear guard action by the corporate state, the death throes of a dying system, a last-ditch effort by the forces of artificial scarcity to suppress the forces that will destroy them.
This effort will fail. What file-sharing has done to the record industry, and what Wikileaks has done to the national security state, are only the dimmest foreshadowings of what technologies of abundance and freedom will do to the old authoritarian institutions.
Encryption and darknets are destroying the power of the music, publishing, and movie industries to collect rents on their so-called “intellectual property,” and eliminating economic transactions as a tax base to support bureaucrats.
New physical production technologies, by extracting greater outputs from ever smaller inputs, are rendering the privileged classes’ huge supplies of land and capital utterly useless as a source of income.
Ordinary people, with cheap means of informational and physical production, will soon be able to meet our needs through peaceful production and trade in a fraction of the present workweek, and dump the rentiers off our backs.
If this framing of human history is valid, we’re just finishing the dawn of humanity’s brief childhood, and entering the long afternoon of its maturity.
Must We Rebuild Their Anthill? A Letter to/for Japanese Comrades
By Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis
Dear comrades,
We are writing to express to you our solidarity at a time when the pain for those who have died or have disappeared is still raw, and the task of reshaping of life out of the immense wreckage caused by the earthquake, the tsunami and the nuclear reactor meltdowns must appear unimaginable. We also write to think together with you what this moment marked by the most horrific nuclear disaster yet in history signifies for our future, for the politics of anti-capitalist social movements, as well as the fundamentals of everyday reproduction.
Concerning our future and the politics of anti-capitalist movements, one thing is sure. The present situation in Japan is potentially more damaging to people’s confidence in capitalism than any disaster in the “under-developed” world and certainly far more damaging than the previous exemplar of nuclear catastrophe, Chernobyl. For none of the exonerating excuses or explanations commonly flagged in front of man-made disasters can apply in this case. Famines in Africa can be blamed, however wrongly, on the lack of capital and technological “know how,” i.e., they can be blamed on the lack of development, while the Chernobyl accident can be attributed to the technocratic megalomania bred in centrally-planned socialist societies. But neither underdevelopment nor socialism can be used to explain a disaster in 21st century Japan that has the world’s third largest capitalist economy and the most technologically sophisticated infrastructure on the planet. The consequences of the earthquake, the tsunami and, most fatefully, the damaged nuclear reactors can hardly be blamed on the lack of capitalist development. On the contrary, they are the clearest evidence that high tech capitalism does not protect us against catastrophes, and it only intensifies their threat to human life while blocking any escape route. This is why the events in Japan are potentially so threatening and so de-legitimizing for the international capitalist power-structure. For the chain of meltdowns feared or actually occurring stands as a concrete embodiment of what capitalism has in store for us —an embodiment of the dangers to which we are being exposed with total disregard of our well-being, and what we can expect in our future, as from China to the US and beyond, country after country is planning to multiply its nuclear plants.
-please read the entirety of this powerful letter at
Thursday, April 28, 2011
After pepper spraying a family in Portland, a police officer said, "That’s why you shouldn't bring kids to protests." Blaming the victim is the standard defense for political violence. Kids and parents should be safe at legal rallies because protests shouldn't be cordoned off, ordered to disperse without time or a place to go, and attacked.
At least one woman had a miscarriage after the WTO demonstrations in Seattle in 1999. I told somebody about this and they got angry saying, “Anybody who goes into a situation like that while they're pregnant is irresponsible!” But she was a local resident who's neighborhood was invaded by police using tear gas. Who was responsible for that?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
- Victor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
you are the wind
are the notes
I am singing
you, the wind
to singing
you are
the voice
am I speaking
to you, the wind?
are you listening?
the channel is flush with flow and flux
my wind will blow through and through
the sea is blue and black my child
my river
is red, when she runs
when she leaves me
my son will shine
the paint will dry
when you are gone
the wind will moan
am I wet?
dying or sleeping or somewhere
close, yet distantly off the street
the river we’ll cross
where we will meet
in the center
at death
are you a sharp corner
am I stone?
should we cry to the open eyes
of atmosphere
the lids of space containing us?
can I simplify my pattern?
I am the trunk, the bark and branches,
you are the wind, the air, the river, sweet whispers and love
is the song
Friday, April 15, 2011
— Frederick Douglass
Bankers are Terrorist
Monday, April 11, 2011
Obama's Secret US prisons in Afghanistan
US officials have acknowledged the existence of secret military-run prisons across Afghanistan where suspected terrorists are held and interrogated without charges, for weeks or months on end.
The previously administration, under former US President George W. Bush ran a network of secret CIA detention sites, a program US President Barack Obama was highly critical off. The discovery of a new network under Obama will likely anger many.
Little is known about the methods which are being employed in interrogations today, but if they resemble Bush-era tactics, torture is likely being used. -read more at rt.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
listen dylan
Civil Civic (No 803)
This duo's brainiac mix of math rock, prog and electronica is never less than clever, intricate and complex
I really dig the use of these kind of synth-pop melodies over droning guitars, much like rano pano off of mogwai's new lp. I need to find more!
Friday, April 1, 2011
mystery pills
when I'm feeling like death
there is no desire left
but cold lonesome
shattering content illusions
doused headphones
pierced corneas
ecstatic sickness prickling my fevered body
and swimming up my spine
there is nothing to do
but lay down
nowhere but back
worried that rental thugs
realizing I'm on drugs and kicking me out
on the street
I feel dead
beat down by some mechanical drumstick
and I have no idea where I am
with scissors
then salt rub
saute in ass cheek fat
with onions
silence me, voice
taste my young
fading away in a cloud of
burning incense
lop of genitals
for the meat grinder
add garlic and pepper
imagine blood sausage
a new phallus for a broken boy
fix me for dinner
throw away the shell of an
old toy kept
safe and never played with
take me off this
for a moment
you touched me with a curious gaze
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
5 Reasons Why Technology Can Never Be Neutral
Thanks to the automobile culture, for example, in the 20th century, an area equal to all the arable land in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania was paved in the US This means highways, off-ramps, parking lots, etc.--each replacing countless eco-systems.
While the developed world quenches its insatiable thirst for the newest and latest gizmo, much of the subsequent e-waste is exported to countries like India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Ghana. "The pollution and related health problems in countries where e-waste is dumped will increase massively as the amount of electronics used worldwide is growing exponentially and the number of countries used as dump sites will grow,-read more at
Saturday, March 26, 2011
beach house
like a lamp
dulled in the shade
aged by the sun
I am hooked
barbed lip piercing tied to monofilament
or was it gut string?
or a song?
am I a broken blade?
tricked into cutting stone?
maybe metal smelted in the glow
words passing
between moving bicycles
lost in the stream
a grain of sand on your feet
because the air has changed
my lungs are filled
yet I'm so thirsty
dying to breathe
smelling like a paper mill
a dumpster
and I'm still an
infant, young sapling man
limbs branching out to the sky's
farthest reaches
you're still
a broken shell
on this polluted beach
at the end of my street
the salt air is a tide
rising into
my chest when I'm home
kneeling down
to touch the ocean
as she pulls away
missing person
in her protruding
a trap
some body projected on
this leaning black screen
back in the corneas brown
green depth
I tried to mentally separate the two
conflicting characters within
but couldn't
pry you from your
beauty, shield
protections and silent defense
attraction just
distracting me from demented bliss
and dishonest intentions
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The signs of the defeat of Libyan revolution - Statement by a Libyan anarchist
I call on all the peoples to support us, the Egyptians, Tunisians, French, even Chinese, all the peoples of the world, we welcome their support and sympathy.
In a few hours, the UN Security Council will decide to start air strikes against Libya. France has said that it is ready to start the bombardment from tonight.
We condemn this international resolution, if it is realized. And we totally reject any foreign intervention in Libya, whatever shape it may take, especially a French one. France, that sold Qaddafi weapons worth billions, weapons that he is using today to blow up Libyans, the same France that didn't stop such deals until 3 weeks back.
We condemn this intervention that will transform Libya into a real hell, even more than now. That intervention will also steal the revolution from the Libyans, a revolution that has cost them thousands of dead women and men so far.
To be liberated from Qaddafi just to become slaves to those who armed him and empowered him during all those years of authoritarian violence and repression.
What can be said while waiting for the bombs?
Because bombs will not differentiate between those who are pro-Qaddafi and who are against him.
Colonialist bombs, as you know, have only one objective: to defend the interests of arms traders. They sold Qaddafi arms worth billions and then we ask them to destroy them now... Then we will buy new arms through the new government - it is an old, well-known story. But there are people who cannot learn except through committing old mistakes, made long before.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I was in the wrong forest
with the perfect clouds to
fill my lungs
and part in walking
tasting the moss and guava wood
long needles reaching off the stretched arms
of dark figures
grey skinned woodsmen
speak only in whispers
and quiet creaking squeals
but surrounding me I cannot
ignore their
spear wielding spirits threatening
righteous death
fearless living on
through the forest
in the heavens above your
Friday, March 18, 2011
I wish I could live in the bleak bending forest of minimalist piano
i think it is the fact that it sounds like a child exploring a scale they've just discovered, a young, ignorant soul trying to rach and grasp the beauty that the world can create. wishing they were able to see and feel and taste and touch the world and all that's in it, yet mournful that all they have is a room and a piano. the moment before clarity, when beauty and sorrow, fear and sanctity all wrap into themselves
Thursday, March 17, 2011
mind tricks
carton of cigarette juice
childproof pineapple
pill bottle
won’t open
my head
needing something stronger
than the drugstore can provide
so I go to where the junkies
hide their magic
inside bricks
outside the gas station
reach in like
I’m fisting concrete and receiving
the gorgeous crystal secretions
dripping mushrooms
grow in the forest
even when its shaved down
purple swirls of ice-cream
eyeballs tilting
towards the elephant
I consumed
there’s no space in my
so the nose goes up
rocket ship
chocolate chip ladies tending to the garden
of gnome statues
raping snail shells and drinking their slime
the grass grows where the shit hit
mosquitos trying to get inside
find my force-field
at 6:30
everything is golden
even the mousey white man’s glasses
reflecting through the window screen
flashes theses projections
shifting shadows
blind or beaming their yellow shards
soldering my mind to them
with each turn
our eyes perceive intrinsically altered views
reflections on the salted body
then its dark and grey in the shade of kuli’ou’ou
and the sky
is oil above her indifferent arms
this is my time
and I would sleep all day till 6, never waking
I’d take
the route 23
like a photo, gunnin’ the shuttering seats carefully
in the evening
when everything is beautiful
even isolation
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
heretic, wall of silence
dirty laundry
girls lining the trees
soaked cotton
wet hanging necks
the horse falling under
this lone world
pools the moonlit ocean and salts my lens
arc lit nights
reveal our fossils mortality
a moment’s echoed canyon
sounds remember when
la luna’s rings reverberates
a new way burns through the old
till smoke clouds the sun
we cannot harness
the mother of life
or return her to the cold
this gift
my red insides
full of
rare dog fed on
lost in the propellers wake
drunken yelling, pushes come to thrusts
through busted windows, shadowy dreams and iron oxide lusting
I am
losing more from you
then my
trust in feeling
these senses erode
the sand flows over low lands
tall boulders and eyes rolling when
water falls down
her face
rivers become valleys
streams and small creeks
now a mix, flow
soapy trickle
your sick tricks and
fucking cement
lies never cover
can never compare to
the dirty nature of these
naked truths
what I see with open eyes
and arms extended
you’ll never know
these deep
blue mountain rivers
and the still
tree shaded shores
by my closed mouth
for the shapeless I cannot feel
I thought I felt your shape but I was wrong
Really all I felt was falsely strong
I held on tight and closed my eyes
It was dumb I had no sense of your size
It was dumb to hold so tight
But last night
On the birthday in the kitchen
My grip was loose my eyes were open
I felt your shape and heard you breathing
I felt the rise and fall of your chest
I felt your fall
Your winter snows
Your gusty blow
Your lava flow
I felt it all
Your starry night
Your lack of light
With limp arms I can feel most of you
I hung around your neck independently
And my loss was overwhelmed
By this new depth I don't think I ever felt
But I don't know
The nights are cold
And I remember warmth
I could have sworn I wasn't alone
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
the skin that’s broken
black streams of hair
twisting through the valley
collecting glances,
in the flow like my chances of
knowing the path
realizing contentment after your facts are
revealed folly
down the paper road towards her
I’m wholly disappointed
in this aura
flashed past
like walking laughter
travels stationary
falling into ordinary desperation
deeper and deeper till words no longer matter and there is only this
sound to turn my wheels in a cold puddle
dead children’s silence
holding on to
a novel way of saying no to everything
singing “look for me in the
open ocean
sky and dessert”
and I agree to devote
time to this ruin
casting off reality as a filtered
a dirty window
lenses wiped with a narcotic spirit
smoke and vapor cleanse
lights my psyche
turning pages under my tongue
tell me the questions to this
answer I found in the lost places
“kiss the skin that’s broken
and build me a new sea
made of your fallen and
collected tears”
washing away the flavor
of quickened years shifting over body like all my fears
stapled together
and nailed to the nearest
swim trunk
soon forests fill with posters
of my deformed face and beached
near death images remain with me for a while
till the rain returns a smile when she walks by
mushroom circle
we live in plastic
fearful of water and weathering the heat of
isolation or a/c suffocation
this occupied land
these are my colonialist’s words trying to form
my oppressed mind into some free illusion
but I live on time
borrowed from death
owing the air to everyone I sold
a single breath in debt I’m
surrounded by thieves sleeping
in fallen leaves underneath
the dead trees I dream of
burning cities back to fertile ashes
inoculating clouds of spores
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
have you ever swam
through pillowed dreams
like this
resting on me
so that we can both
breathe love
easily embrace the insides of our
spines and
find the climbing ferns
intertwining around
pillars of your kind
face me naked
stripped of mask
and worn illusion
I’ve been craving your rusted beauty
beneath the paint
do you sometimes think
of being purified
by blood and lust
have you imagined
green forest palaces that fill a hazy air
with our own thickened
if I whispered it into your ear
would you pull away from
soft warmth
of my breath’s wool
even in
frigid weather
walking hours on vapor secrets
and told jokes dissipating
like my bleak eyes' dark holes
deepen the brown dirt
disintegrating lies in salt water
can you taste it
my sour expression realizing the impossibility
that you would take me for what I wish
in this undressing
disrobing the fertile valleys scent
cleanse my moist stressed
if only I could say what’s
clouding my mind
the torture
without feeling human for
someone’s skin
and seeing every moment with lids weighed down
your picture hidden
hung low and
disfigured within
Monday, February 28, 2011
Seattle cop murders deaf native woodcarver
Recently released footage from a police cruiser's dashboard camera shows the events leading up to the fatal shooting of a partially deaf man by a Seattle police officer.
John T. Williams, a Native American wood carver who was partially deaf, was killed on August 30th after walking past Officer Ian Birk, 27, on the street with a knife in his hand.
The dashboard camera footage shows Williams slowly crossing the street in front of Officer Birk's police cruiser. Birk then approached Williams and repeatedly told him to "put the knife down." Seconds later, Birk shot him four times.Friday, February 25, 2011
Bringing the Revolution Home-Leil-Zahra Mortada
" services cuts, unemployment, aggravated financial crisis, arms deals, nuclear energy, the plundering of every inch of the planet, the destruction of nature, the WTO, the IMF, the World Bank, border-police forces, immigration laws, racist governmental policies, deportations, genocides, colonial exploitation, imperialist control, economic and political hegemony, war, occupation, the so-called G8, multinationals, patents, forced labor, NATO, modern-day slavery, sweatshops, global warming, educational cuts, unjust housing prices, media hypocrisy and manipulation, censorship; Christian, Muslim and Jewish fundamentalisms; rigged elections, murderous foreign policies, slaughtering of indigenous peoples and their cultures, state-funded terrorism, state-funded lies and unfounded fear campaigns, sexist and homophobic laws and statements, brutal violence on all levels against non-whites, impunity, corruption… the list is endless. These are but a few adjectives that describe all of the governments today, not just Mubarak or Ben Ali, or Ahmadi Najad."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
lovely sauce liquid
dancing soles
tossed down to the below
underground echo of
voiceless pipes
the gutter don’t flow
in the summer I go where the mud dries
to redden my eyes
ready my soul for oblivion
shred the self to tattered bits
leave the parts I don’t need in it
piles of shit
from archaic monkey tribes
who’s greed halted evolution
they believed in an answer
like us
where there is none
no solution but the question ritual psychic
one salutation to the sun we worship
the light because it
gives us life
and sight
matter in the dark plane devoid of inhabitants
the same gods can take this gift
swiftly as it takes to blind
the naïve we return to
divination searching for
what I never had anyways and
grieving my losses
oh lovely lost spirit
I so carelessly
left aside
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Monday, February 14, 2011
Georgia Prisoners Organize Largest Prison Strike In U.S. History
“..ON MONDAY MORNING, WHEN THE DOORS OPEN, CLOSE THEM. DO NOT GO TO WORK. They cannot do anything to us that they haven’t already done at one time or another. Brothers, DON’T GIVE UP NOW. Make them come to the table. Be strong. DO NOT MAKE MONEY FOR THE STATE THAT THEY IN TURN USE TO KEEP US AS SLAVES….”This was the message sent out by one of the strike leaders on the fifth day of the largest prison strike in U.S. history. What started out on Dec. 9 as a coordinated strike in at least five of Georgia’s state prisons was originally intended to last only a day, but quickly evolved into a larger, longer struggle when prison officials locked down a number of the prisons. The strike was coordinated by a network of prisoners using cell phones that were smuggled into the prisons. If caught with a phone, a prisoner could face five more years in prison.
read more at infoshop the most important site for world news
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
nothing to hold
sound oscillations permanent metal air
conditioned mental hospital hair
observations on old folks
tired tantrum attacks
walkers in the snowy eyes
of grandchildren
one way mirror to a
clear eyed god
a law abiding citizen
turning inside out for the king
bending over sideways
as the instructor stretches her purple spandex
leading the man upstairs
via mechanical chair
large bosom
Philipino nurse
checking my temp
forcing down meds
feeding my head with her sweet lies
how I won’t die tomorrow
slowly everyday
each hour is pain
beyond relief I
sleep two hours a night because
I don’t believe in dreams anymore
they don’t visit me
much like my children and the rest of them
family ties are strong as
my eyesight
I know death is bliss thinking
too much
I remember how you
kissed in the dark
and now in the evanescent morphine body buzz
fleeting high of happiness
as I drift off
dizzy smelling disinfectant and scented candles somehow
there is no longer an I or me
or you
nothing to hold but the infinite
that we truly are
Sunday, February 6, 2011
head massage
course hair
golden grass pathways
I’m going to go through this
open field
and after the ground gives in
where the sea wins
bursting blue-white-birds
spraying waves
really timeless movements
ancient letters or
a code
I’m deciphering the
distance between us
running close to the edge of
crazy and dead in a dark place
facing her again above
black and silver schools
clouds of swimming
leaves falling
men trimming giant’s
like a hedge
grind me like a garbage disposal
downing drano-booze
doom filling my head
the chamber rising over lungs
and city lights reflecting through
splitting cells
shit storms of nothing
raindrops end
under the microscope
Friday, February 4, 2011
rusty old pipes
slipper piercing
goddamn these cheap things
worn down things
mimosa thorns and leaves
shells and shattered bits of Heineken bottles
Hawaiian emeralds
right on my own beach!
earth and sky kiss
with no building disruption
or phallic mountains
just grass and brush
stroking my ankles passionately as I float through them
usually it itches or bothers
but now they love me
and I can go on living
because a place can share such feelings
I was sharing my blood and voice
with her crashing cry
blue green and white to the mud
tiny bits of coral
biting at me
basalt seat imprinting on my skin
starting my
emergence into the wet
flowing force of her divinity
Thursday, February 3, 2011
frightened by dust and echoes
paranoia settling beneath silky smooth
these memory
foam impressions I had
just ideas that reoccurred
as apparitions on the edge of my eye
opening the head with a
pickaxe like tool
sometimes right through the socket
I tried to run away from them
but their smoke followed
as I exhaled white ghosts
flying with me past
yellowing the blackness in this lighting age
disease! oh sickening thoughts!
life broken down
to her core
isn’t worth it to a dead man camera
angles falling
shaking at the gun
pointed downwards to him
images like this
flashing bulb
light house memories
warnings of steep tragedy and rocky
shallow reefer
I know
I’m getting ridiculously closer to
but further from the trail
losing track of time
the path is
slipping away
till I cant find you anymore
and I’ve nothing to answer
or say to you anyways
sweet mirror
balled face
forgetting I’ll never be free of
you dear vibrating
echoing memory of this place
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
electric bicycle
white chick running by I know
the bus is never coming
and the sun is still getting high
I’m so toasty
I’m bakin’
takin’ in my turn
my words are burning
forget them!
I feel ashed out like a cigarette
tapped on the boot like a pipe
lit all night in the dark
chocolate blackness of the moist air
sometimes dreams are not sweet but sour
sometimes I’m running from something
but I get this rush off the chase
the hunt or the game or whatever
you want it to be
I’m fighting for my life
or maybe fighting living it
feigning desire for freedom
but really killing my own by
risking everything for shallow independence
perhaps I’m just greedy and wicked
in pending vengeance for the defenseless
stripped naked child of an ego
refusing to let go of this sick urge
for black market cash
this whole scheme will lash back and
it needs to be changed
you know
I’ve aged
and realize now
a new face of crime is
the creative nature
extracts the ancients mother
with my mixture comes a new scheme
or another world+
Scary when he makes sense isn't it? I believe that's what scares people the most about Charles Manson. If they look too close they may see themselves mirrored back. Most people run all their lives away from themselves because they fear themselves more than Mr. Manson... and perhaps they should. It's easy to cage an animal while forgetting we are also animals.